Page 17 - Issue 76 Online
P. 17

                                                              MANEA MATTERS
      St Nicolas’ Church Services

                             HAPPY NEW  YEAR
          As I sit down to write this piece, I am conscious that I am still in the cold of
          winter. This morning the frost on the garden hedge lit up the spiders’ webs
          creating a beauty that, although I’d seen before, never ceases to amaze me.
          Such a thing of creation, yet so transient, producing an inner feeling of wanting
          to preserve such beauty. Then my mind goes to the reading I’m looking at for
          Sunday’s sermon. It’s from Matthew and Jesus is saying about God’s creation of
          the grass fields that are here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire.
          The warmth of the sun soon dispensed with my beautiful frost pattern only to reveal
          a carpet of snowdrops. By the time you read this they too will have been replaced by
          daffodils, then bluebells, all transient in the changing beauty of the seasons.
          All this creation and beauty and Jesus tells us that we are worth so much more. So,
          if God provides for the birds and animals without their need to sow and harvest, how
          much more will he provide for us.
          His message is for us not to worry about such things but to concentrate on Him.
          To seek his Kingdom, to live a Kingdom life and everything else, that we need, will
          be added.
          As we go through spring this year let us make a point of stopping and taking in
          the scale and sheer beauty of the world around us, recognise the hand of God and
          remember that this creator God, loves each one of us unconditionally.
          Stephen Tooke
          Licenced Lay Minister
          Benefice of Six Fen Churches

          OUR SERVICES

          Services at St Nicolas Church for April – June
           9th April     (Easter Sunday) Holy Communion 10.30am
           23rd April   Morning Prayer 10.30am
           30th April   United Benefice Service at Christchurch Community Centre 10.30am
           14th May   Holy Communion 10.30am
           28th May   Morning Prayer 10.30am
           11th June   Holy Communion 10.30am
           25th June   Morning Prayer 10.30am

           Benefice Administrator - Christine Day 01354 688063
           Church Wardens- Rosemary Hankins 01354 680585  & Bob Day 01354 688063

                         DEADLINE for Issue 77 Summer – Friday 19  May   PAGE  17
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