Page 13 - Issue 76 Online
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                                                              MANEA MATTERS

      Ecstatic Dance is a type of free-form
      dancing inviting people to connect to
      themselves and to others through music   •  Respect of self and other. We ask
      and movement without judgment. It’s a bit   participants to  take responsibility  for
      like dancing meditation through movement.  themselves, but also  to  watch  out  for
      It takes places over a 90-minute live DJ   others  and  be  mindful  of  their  personal
      set and starts and finishes with a short   space.
      opening and closing. We ask you to follow
      a few points of etiquette:            What happens during the session?
                                            The  session  usually  follows  the  following
         It’s a bit like dancing meditation   order over two hours:
               through movement             •  Warm up - from doors open

                                            •  Opening circle - welcomes and
      •  No talking. Ecstatic Dance is a    introductions for newbies to the practice,
      silent practice - you are welcome to   namaste
      communicate with others with your body   •  Warm up set - afro beat, house set
      language, but please keep words outside   to get you moving (with some optional
      the dance space                       guided movement)
      •  No shoes. Barefoot dancing helps us
      ground ourselves through the embodiment   •  Ecstatic set - tech house, indie dance,
      of music through movement             techno, psy-trance embodying ecstasy
                                            through dance
      •  No drugs/alcohol. Ecstatic Dance is a   •  Cool down set - minimal, downtempo,
      conscious practice embracing mindfulness  ambient, meditative and esoteric
      •  Phone-free zone. Encouraging safety &   •  Closing circle - thanks, reflections and
      presence. Be here now                 announcements, see you next time!
      •  No touching or partner dancing
      without consent. Consent can be       Find out more at and join
      nonverbal or verbal. The gesture of prayer   us on a Tuesday night in the village hall!
      hands means "no" or "I’m done dancing”                           Rob Leeman

                                                                     PAGE 13    GE
                         DEADLINE for Issue 77 Summer – Friday 19  May   PAGE  13
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