Page 15 - Issue 76 Online
P. 15

                                                              MANEA MATTERS
                      END OF AN ERA

             FOR MASON’S GARAGE

      Firstly, we would like to thank you for your continued loyalty and business over the past
      three generations of Trading. It has been an absolute pleasure doing business with you,
      both locally and within the surrounding areas.
      However, C J Mason of Manea, would like to inform you that our family business closed
      effectively as of the 24th February 2023, and will no longer be Trading.
      We wish to thank you again for your custom and support over the many years, past and
      present – dating back to 1955 - 2023. It has formed friendships along the way, many of
      which still remain.

      Generation History
      S.R Mason - Stanley Mason ‘Stan’ (Chris’s Father) started the Business in 1955 – 1984.
      When Stan then Retired.
      C J Mason – ‘Chris Mason’ (Stanley’s Son) took over the Business in 1984 – 2020, but sadly
      deceased unexpectedly in 2020. Within this time his son, Neil, went into the Trade to work
      alongside his father, Chris.
      Neil has been in the Trade for 25 years to date.
      We are proud to have served the community for 68 years, but now it’s time to hang up the
      boiler suit and put the tools down, and move on to pastures new.
      Once again, we are sincerely grateful for your custom and support throughout these years.
                                                                The Mason Family

                         DEADLINE for Issue 77 Summer – Friday 19  May   PAGE  15
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