Page 20 - Issue 76 Online
P. 20


      I find sharing my passion for healthy lifestyle
      exciting and fulfilling. I have vast knowledge
      in nutrition, fitness as well as mental
      health, and how these 3 elements form
      the fundamentals of human well-being. I
      hold two degrees in clinical psychology, as
      well as being a qualified behaviour analyst,
      fitness instructor, personal trainer and
      nutritional advisor. I am now a certified
      well-being coach providing a holistic health
      coaching service.
      Having  lived  in  the  village  for  nearly  10   fitness levels. I was delighted to receive
      years, I thought that the Manea community   lots of interest and was able to establish
      would benefit from affordable, friendly   daily classes within a fortnight. I believe
      fitness classes, suitable for all ages and   this could be a great opportunity for many
                                            people who wouldn’t otherwise have the
                                            opportunity to get themselves into fitness.

                                                I am now a certified well-being
                                               coach providing a holistic health
                                                      coaching service

                                            As modern humans we have greatly
                                            progressed  in  research,  science  and
                                            technology. We are able to create amazing
                                            things and there seems to be no limit to
                                            our imagination. But at the same time, we
                                            seem  to  have  drifted  away  from  nature
                                            and from our instincts and basic needs. We
                                            have lost the ability to pause and take in the
                                            moment, to enjoy simple things in life and to
                                            allow ourselves that mindful 'me' time. We
                                            have lost connection with our fundamental
                                            dietary needs and turned towards the quick
                                            and convenient foods. We often use food
                                            as reward, comfort and even punishment.
                                            Our daily lives have become very stressful

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