Page 18 - Issue 76 Online
P. 18



      More items of Village History have been added   •   Records for the Over 60s Club which was
      to the Manea Archive thanks to members of   formed  in  1940  but  which  ceased  on  the
      the community sharing or donating records,   28th July 2022.
      documents, paper clippings, and other items   •   A significant amount of information,
      of memorabilia - including  items such as   including  Manea  Gala  programmes  and
      programmes and event tickets for which I am   other booklets and documents, have been
      very grateful.
                                                donated by the family of the late Michael
         Further offers of items for        In addition to the contents in the Manea Archive
         donation or review always          & Library being available for public view at the
                 appreciated.               annual village Gala, and the online Facebook
                                            Group ‘Manea Memories’, the restarted History
                                            Group is covering various aspects of the history
                                            of Manea and the immediate surrounding area.
      Of specific note are the following:
                                            The Group meets monthly in the back room of
      •   Various items have been donated by the   the Village Hall and everyone is very welcome
         former committee of the Royal British   to attend.
         Legion Women’s Section which ceased to
         meet in 2021. This has included  meeting   Further offers of items for donation or review
         records, although not for the complete time   always appreciated.
         the section was active, the Haig Cup which   For further information, questions, comments,
         is to be displayed at the British Legion club   or offers of help please contact Martin Hindry:
         in East Street, and a commemorative copy
         of the late Queen’s message to the Royal   Email: (preferred)
         British Legion on their 100th Anniversary.  or Telephone 01354 680850

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