Page 22 - Issue 76 Online
P. 22




     As you will be aware from MM75, Anglian Water   In order to further develop understanding of the
     and Cambridge Water are proposing a new   site of the proposed reservoir, Anglian Water
     reservoir in the Fens that will secure a water   and Cambridge Water will also soon be starting
     supply to our customers for future generations.  some survey work in the area. This will involve
                                            contractors accessing various parts of the site of
                                            the proposed reservoir land with the permission
                                            of the landowners.
      Anglian Water and Cambridge Water
        will also soon be starting some     Anglian Water and Cambridge Water do not yet
            survey work in the area         have planning consent to begin construction of
                                            the reservoir – this will be applied for in 2025
                                            following  a  second  round  of consultation.  The
                                            surveys that are due to take place shortly will
     The first phase of consultation on the project   be used to further develop our proposals and
     closed on 21 December 2022 after running for   expand knowledge of the landscape.
     10 weeks. Many local people chose to contribute   For updates on the project visit:
     useful and informative feedback, which is now
     being analysed by the project team so that
     they can further develop the proposals. Once
     initial analysis of the feedback is complete, a
     summary of the feedback will be published at

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