Page 25 - Issue 76 Online
P. 25

                                                              MANEA MATTERS

      has recently been refurbished thereby
      ensuring continued enjoyment by future
      generations. I would particularly like to
      thank Cllrs Emery, Short, Bonos and Cole
      for their contributions in these areas and
      their work with the many clubs and groups
      who use these spaces. I would also like to
      thank Malcolm (our caretaker) and Alma
      (our cleaner) for taking such good care of
      our facilities.
      One of our largest and most technically
      challenging projects, the long-desired
      school bus shelters, would not have been   As new Councillors take up the mantle
      delivered without the huge amount of work   there is a lot to look forward to:
      undertaken by Cllr Cundell.  It very nearly
      beat us, but we did get there in the end!  The plans for the new pavilion have been
      Cllr Pratt has worked diligently to counter   submitted.  This will be the largest ever
      funding  cuts impacting  the  maintenance   project undertaken by the village.  Once
      of  our  Public  Rights  of  Way  and,  new   approved, fundraising will need to start
      signage has recently been located on one   in earnest (our Clerk is already identifying
      route that has long caused confusion.  Cllr   potential funding streams) and, we have
      Pratt also looked after all the Parish trees   just been told that work on the phone
      and  oversaw  the  completion  of  our  first   mast is scheduled  to start in March  with
      tree health and risk assessment.  This   completion in May.
      resulted in a 3-year plan to remove dead or   I would like to give special thanks to the
      dangerous trees/tree limbs and will create   many volunteers who give up their own
      space for new wildlife-friendly plantings.     time (and sometimes money) to provide
                                            experiences, opportunities, information
                                            and support to villagers.  Your efforts make
       Our oldest piece of play equipment   Manea the lovely village it is.
         (the rocking horse) has recently   On a personal note, it has been a privilege
               been refurbished             to Chair the Parish Council these last four
                                            years.  I am very grateful for the support
                                            given to me by all Councillors, Vice Chair Cllr
      Behind  the  scenes,  Councillors  have   Coupland and our Parish Clerk Mr Melton.  I
      supported  residents  impacted    by  wish all the best to the new Council.
      floodings, delivered vital medication and
      food during lockdown, cleared drains and   Lisa Eves
      ditches, mended damage (accidental and   Chair
      deliberate), painted, weeded…well the list
      goes on.                              May 2019 - May 2023

                         DEADLINE for Issue 77 Summer – Friday 19  May   PAGE  25    25    25
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