Page 21 - Issue 76 Online
P. 21

                                                              MANEA MATTERS
      and our brain is always in 5th gear. We are   amounts of sugar and very little fruit and
      overloaded with scheduled activities, busy   veg, and expect our bodies to function
      careers and housework. We spend a lot of   without developing health issues. Instead,
      time looking through emails, social media   a clean diet, rich in whole foods such as
      or shopping online - most of the time late in   fruit,  vegetables,  wholemeal  and  whole
      the evening. We find ourselves exhausted at   grain products, fish, lean meat, low fat
      the end of each day, often having not done   dairy, seeds, nuts and olive oil - will support
      much physical activity. Yet still, a lot of us   all the organs - including our brain. In fact,
      struggle to fall asleep. We fail to prioritise   there is an emerging field of nutrition for
      nutrition and readily sacrifice quality food   psychiatry. We  now  know  how  much  we
      budget in favour of other spendings.   have underestimated the impact of our diet
                                            on mental health.

          As modern humans we have          Last but not least, on the mental well-
         greatly progressed in research,    being side of things, we know that chronic
            science and technology          exposure to stress and lack of mindful
                                            down time are detrimental to health. It is
                                            extremely important to set aside some
      When we look at modern research, there   relaxation time and practice mindfulness or
      is  an  overwhelming  amount  of  evidence   meditate. We can all live a happier, longer
      highlighting the importance of clean diet,   life!
      regular physical activity and mindful self-  Kasia Scarff
      care time.
      Prolonged  periods  of
      inactivity increase the
      risk of developing serious
      illnesses such as diabetes,
      obesity  and  cancer.  Our
      bodies were designed to
      stay active. Exercising
      just 3 times per week can
      significantly improve your
      fitness level.
      However,  it  is  worth
      noting that 70% of success
      is  making  permanent
      changes to your diet. We
      must accept that it really
      is as simple as 'you are
      what you eat'. We cannot
      base our diet on fast
      food, highly processed
      ready-made meals, large

                         DEADLINE for Issue 77 Summer – Friday 19  May   PAGE  21
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