Page 10 - Issue 76 Online
P. 10



      W – Windows   I – Interior   D – Doors   E – Exterior   N – Neighbours

      The hints below are a very brief summary   Interior
      of a webinar held in February, presented
      by Sgt Matt Coe of the Metropolitan Police.   Think about the interior both from the
      He is based in London, but the home   perspective of someone looking in, as well
      security advice is relevant to wherever you   as someone who has already broken in.
      live. There were three overarching points
      from his detailed advice:             •  Keep valuables out of sight or out of the
                                              home e.g. a safety deposit box
      •  Avoid a checklist mentality        •  Create the illusion of someone being at
      •  Think ‘no cost - low cost’ and build on   home:
       from there                           •  Lights on timers
      •  Remember the usual burglar is an
       opportunist, deter them for 1 minute!   •  TV simulator, which creates a changing
                                              glow mimicking someone watching TV

      Windows are only used as a means of
      entry in 22% of burglaries in the UK but
      they provide an opportunity to look in – to
      determine if anyone is at home or if there
      are any obvious items worth stealing.
      •  Remove valuables from sight
      •  Obscure the view through windows
      •  Pay attention to windows, where the
       opportunist  can see  in without  looking
      •  Lock windows
      •  Remove external objects, which can be
       used to break glass
      •  Use contact and shock alarms
      •  Toughen or protect vulnerable glass

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