Page 11 - Issue 76 Online
P. 11

                                                              MANEA MATTERS
      Doors                                 overlooked by passers-by and home
                                            occupants. This will give the burglar the
      Doors are the main route into a home for   feeling that they may be spotted or caught
      burglars, mostly through unlocked doors!   in the act. For example, keep boundary
      Ask yourself ‘What security do we already   fences lower or see-through at the top and
      have? Do we use it? If not, why not?'  reduce low hanging branches on trees, so
      The aim of door security is to make the   that any entrance doors are clearly visible
                                            to passers-by.
      door as strong as the wall around it, whilst
      still being able to be used as a door.
      •  A new door, which meets current  Neighbours
       standards, would be ideal but it may not   Good neighbours can have an impact both
       be practical or affordable. Lots of devices   locally and further away.
       can be added to doors to make them more
       secure but do bear in mind escape in the   Schemes such as Neighbourhood Watch
       event of a fire and, if you live in a rented   Schemes (NWS) alter offenders’ perception
       property, consult the owner or building   of risk. If an area is clearly marked as
       manager before making improvements.  having a NWS, it makes them think they
      •  Do the locks have either a kitemark   are more likely to be caught.
       (wooden) or 3 stars / a diamond on them?  NWS encourage residents to consciously
      •  If it has a handle, do you lift, lock, remove   consider their own home security
                                            and they promote social interaction
       the key?                             and neighbourhood cohesion among
                                            Get to know your neighbours!
                                            For more information and advice:

                                            The overwhelming message, which came
      Exterior                              across from the Neighbours section of

      The exterior presents the earliest    the webinar was ‘if you see something
                                            suspicious, don’t ignore it – report it!
      opportunity to deter a burglar. The aim is
      to create an exterior, which can be easily   Dianne Rowe

                         DEADLINE for Issue 77 Summer – Friday 19  May   PAGE  11
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