Page 19 - Issue 81 Online
P. 19

                                                              MANEA MATTERS
     proposed design for the reservoir, and the   The proposed reservoir in the Fens
     associated water infrastructure required   is part of a multi-billion investment
     to fill the reservoir, treat the water, and   programme which will help to secure
     transport it to homes and businesses.  water supplies for the future.
     When the consultation launches, we’ll   Projections from the Met Office show that
     provide a range of information including   the East of England will become hotter
     an emerging masterplan, project brochures   and drier in summer, and wetter in winter,
     and interactive maps. Our project website   meaning that there is a pressing need to
     will be updated and we’ll be holding   store winter water to cope with summer
     events in the communities closest to our   droughts.
     We hope you take part and we look forward   Unless bold action is taken, the demand
                                            for water will outstrip the available supply
     to receiving your feedback.            within the next decade, making the
                                            reservoir project vital for the continued
       MM Editor’s Note:                    growth and prosperity of the region.
       At the time of going to print, this is    The  reservoir  would  allow  Anglian  Water
       the latest information  from Anglian &   and  Cambridge  Water  to  collect  excess
       Cambridge Water                      river water in  winter, when  flows are at
       By the time this issue is delivered the   their highest, and store it for use in dry
                                            summers, when water is scarcer.
       consultations  will  have  already  been
       taking place during June – including the   The reservoir will supply enough water for
       one being held in Manea – so, hopefully,   around a quarter of a million homes, as well
       you will have received their leaflet   as protecting the environment by enabling
       through your door well in advance.     a reduction in the amount of water taken
       Please  see  the  end  of  this  article  for   from  rivers and  underground  aquifers
       contact details.                     elsewhere in the region.
                                            Contact details
                 Speaking to property and   For more information on the proposed Fens
                 landowners                 reservoir and the phase two consultation,
                                            please visit:
                 Before the start of the
                 consultation,  we     are
                 engaging  with  property  and   To contact the Fens reservoir team, please
                 land owners who may be     email or call our
                 impacted by our proposals.  hotline  on  0800  915  2492  and  leave  a
                 Anglian Water and Cambridge   message.
                 Water  are  committed  to   For any other enquiries about Anglian
                 continuing  to  work  closely   Water, please visit:
                 with those who may have
                 land interests affected by
                 our proposals to understand   For any other enquiries about Cambridge
                 their views as the plans for   Water, please visit https://www.cambridge-
                 the reservoir develop.

            DEADLINE FOR ISSUE 82 (AUTUMN) – FRIDAY 16  AUGUST 2024      PAGE  19
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