Page 18 - Issue 81 Online
P. 18
Bold new vision unveiled for proposed pathways and exciting landscape forms,
reservoir in the Fens with clear potential to host water sports.
The design also shows how the reservoir
Anglian Water and Cambridge Water have could link to nearby towns and villages and
released an artist’s impression of the includes wetland areas for wildlife.
proposals for a new reservoir in the Fens,
offering an idea of what the site close to In the future, the reservoir could be
Chatteris, Doddington and March could home to a range of recreational activities,
look like in the future. including fishing, water sports and bird
watching. And, through the design of its
The design, which has evolved using the embankments, could also provide new
valuable feedback from the first phase of walking and cycling routes to be enjoyed by
consultation, is characterised by its bold the local community and visitors.
‘ammonite’ shape. Anglian Water’s other reservoirs, including
The illustrative image shows how the Rutland Water and Grafham Water,
proposed reservoir could become an welcome more than two million people
exciting new visitor destination, creating each year, with the proposed Fens site also
jobs, and wider economic, environmental, looking to create more jobs and stimulate
leisure and health benefits for the tourism in the region.
local community. The new birds-eye view
also illustrates the project’s aim to create a Our second phase of consultation will
place that brings people, nature and water take place from 30 May to 25 July.
together. Over the eight week consultation period,
The reservoir embankments feature we’ll be asking for feedback on the