Page 17 - Issue 81 Online
P. 17

                                                              MANEA MATTERS

      Where to get help if you’re worried about   Samaritans
      someone?                              116 123 (freephone, 24-hour helpline)
      If you have serious concerns for the
      individual’s immediate safety, do not leave   Lifecraft Suicide Bereavement Support
      them on their own. You can ring 999 or   Service
      depending on your relationship with the   The suicide bereavement support service
      person, you might support them to get   is available to family and friends in the
      an urgent GP appointment. You can also   Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area.
      contact the following or visit our website
      for more helplines:                   01223 756958
                                            About STOP Suicide:
      HELPLINES                             STOP Suicide is a suicide prevention
                                            initiative led by CPSL Mind, supported
                                            by local NHS and Public Health teams,
      NHS First Response Service (FRS)      and endorsed by numerous community
      NHS First Response Service (FRS), across   stakeholders.
      Cambridgeshire and Peterborough,      STOP Suicide is funded by the
      provides 24-hour access, seven days a   NHS through Cambridgeshire and
      week, 365 days a year, to mental health   Peterborough’s Integrated Care System
      care, advice, support and treatment.  and constitutes an integral component of
      By calling 111 and selecting the mental   the region’s broader suicide prevention
      health option, you will be put through to a   strategy.
      member of the FRS who will speak to you   Whether you’re an individual or
      and discuss your current mental health   representing an organisation, you can also
      needs.                                sign the STOP Suicide Pledge or become
      Lifeline                              a Campaign Maker to demonstrate your
                                            commitment to talking more openly about
      Cambridgeshire and Peterborough helpline  suicide and helping those in distress. For
      0808 808 2121 (freephone)             those interested in contributing, please
                                            visit the STOP Suicide website at:
      11am to 11pm, 365 days a year

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