Page 18 - Issue 82 Online
P. 18


                                                               - PART 2
      So, I am now 10 months old and am getting to
      know the area and people are becoming used to
      seeing me around the shops now.
      We used the train into Peterborough so I could
      work through the shopping centre. It was some-
      where I had never been before and I had lots of
      different situations to deal with such as stairs!
      We don’t have stairs, as I live in a bungalow,
      so I had to learn to find the first step and I put
      my front paws on it so that I could guide mum
      up them at a steady pace. Coming down I sit or
      stand and again go down at the pace that it right
      for us. It’s not easy when you want to bound up
      and run down but I know when I have my coat
      on that I am in work mode, so I have to be on
      my best behaviour and as you know that is very
      hard for me.
                                                         Me - behaving!

                                            We’ve also been to London to do a fundraiser
                                            event with Google, who are hoping to name a
                                            puppy.  They spoilt me rotten, which was good
                                            as  I  had  just  done  my first  underground  and
                                            busy train station and, although I say so myself,
                                            I pawed it!
                                            I still get excited when I meet people, so that’s
                                            still  a  work  in progress.   Also,  although  mum
                                            leaves me sometimes, I am better but if there’s
               Me – with some pals          toilet roll or a waste paper bin – well, one just
                                            has to investigate!

                                                   I promise I will behave
                                                    even better soon! x

              Me – enjoying some R&R

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