Page 8 - Issue 81 Online
P. 8
Manea Village Hall says
to long serving Trustee Peter Short
Peter has been a Trustee of the
Village Hall for nearly 60 years.
In which time he has seen many
changes to the Hall, Chairpersons,
Trustees and Committee members.
The Hall has remained a central
part of the Village for hosting
Weddings, Parties, Clubs, Bingo,
Manea Gala Xmas Fayres to
mention just a few.
Peter attended his last meeting earlier in the year, where he was presented with
Skylark Vouchers and wine to enjoy with his wife, from Chairperson Janet Tweed,
alongside Trustees and Committee members to say a huge THANK YOU for his
commitment to Manea Village Hall.
We wish Peter a well-earned retirement.
The Committee is happy to welcome new members to join them.
For further info please contact:
Sheila Forster, Secretary Tel: 01354 680856 / 07702 854404