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                                                              MANEA MATTERS

      Dear Readers                            Contents

     I  must  begin  with  an  apology  to  Mr  Peter
     Short, whose long service recognition article,   Useful Contact Details ............................................ 2
     for acting as a Trustee to the Village Hall, is
     on P8. I acknowledged receipt of the article,   Message from Chair & Contents ........................ 3
     whilst on holiday, and then omitted to include
     it on my return. Please accept my apologies,   Manea Community Groups ............................ 4 - 7
     Peter, and many belated congratulations!   Thank you to Peter Short & Village Hall
     We are promoting some different clubs –   Anniversary .......................................................... 8 - 9
     Crafting and Manea Sirens - in this issue, in
     response to my offer for club organisers to   Manea School - Update .............................10 - 11
     do  just  that.  Please  don’t  hesitate  to sub-
     mit an article for MM82 if you would like to   Manea Sirens ............................................................12
     let readers know what takes place at your   Hazel the Guide Dog Puppy ................................13
     meetings, especially if you would also like to
     encourage new members.               Crafting .............................................................14 - 15
     Safety warning - Please consider your own   Stop Suicide.....................................................16 - 17
     emotional wellbeing before reading pages
     16 and 17. If you have been bereaved by   Fens Reservoir Update ...............................18 - 19
     suicide, or affected by attempted suicide or
     suicidal thoughts, you may find the content   Manea Educational Foundation &
     difficult and upsetting to read. The article   Aluminium Can Recycling Project .................... 20
     is aimed at helping people to recognise the
     warning signs of suicidal  behaviour, which   Manea Gala 2024 .................................................. 21
     CPSL Mind is keen for people in our commu-
     nity to be aware of.                 Church Services ...................................................... 22
     You can read about the building progress   Getting About and DEADLINES ........................ 23
     at Manea School (pages 10 & 11). This will
     continue during the summer holidays. The   Parish Council Update .................................24 - 25
     school has recently received the Rainbow   Noticeboard .....................................................26 - 27
     Flag Award, which is awarded for the school’s
     high level of inclusivity – more details in the
     Finally, we regularly include an update on the   DEADLINE FOR THE AUTUMN ISSUE IS
     Guide Dog Puppies, who are trained by Myr-           TH
     iam Steadman in Manea – Hazel being her   FRIDAY 16  AUGUST 2024
     current trainee. In this issue, take a look at
     lovely Luna and Walton on the Noticeboard,   The views and beliefs expressed by contributors are not necessarily
     who also do amazing work and help to make   those of Manea Matters Committee and the Committee reserves
     our community a safer one in which to live.  the right to amend submitted items at its discretion. The Committee
                                         does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the
     As the last eighteen months have been the   advertisements published within Manea Matters.
     wettest in the UK on record since 1836.   This magazine is published by the Manea Matters Committee and is
     Here’s to a happy and healthy summer   delivered free to the vast majority of households within the Parish of
     ahead - whatever the weather!       Manea. An online version is also available at:
     Dianne                              Manea Matters Committee is a group of Manea residents who work
     Dianne Rowe, Manea Matters Chair    with  the  community  to  produce  this  quarterly  magazine  because
                                         Manea really does Matter.
            DEADLINE FOR ISSUE 82 (AUTUMN) – FRIDAY 16  AUGUST 2024      PAGE   3
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