Page 16 - Issue 80 Online
P. 16


                  TIME CAPSULE

       BURIED ON 26TH JANUARY 2024

      The burial of the Manea Time Capsule has been registered with the International Time
      Capsule Society. The Parish Council clerk’s email address has been logged as the owner
      and the Parish Clerk at the time will be notified of anything in the future.
      The suggested “digging up date” is in 50 years, so 26th January 2074.
      The above information was provided by Joanne Rose - Transport Officer, Fenland District Council.

       The photo shows (L-R):
       Councillor Ben Bonos (Chair of
       Manea Parish Council)
       Dr Nik Johnson (Cambridgeshire &
       Peterborough Combined Authority’s
       Mayor – who officially opened the
       car park)
       Steve Emery (retired Manea Parish
       Councillor and ex-Chair, who led on
       putting together the contents for the

       and Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP
       (Secretary of State for the
       Environment, Food and Rural
       Affairs and MP for North East

               The opposite page lists the contents of the Time Capsule, which will
                 hopefully provide a detailed insight into life in Manea in 2024!

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