Page 8 - Issue 79 Online
P. 8
For 15 years, Manea Street Pride group From planting trees and containers with
has helped to keep the village looking colourful blooms, keeping areas free from
good with regular litter-picks and other weeds and leaves, litter picking, making
clean-up events that enhance the local bug or bird boxes, holding fundraising
environment. events, and coming up with fresh ideas,
But the Covid pandemic and other Street Pride volunteers enjoy varied and
fulfilling roles.
unforeseen events in the last couple of
years have had an impact on the number Interested in joining?
of the group’s volunteers. So much so
that the group now finds itself at risk Whether you have lots of time or only
of folding unless new members step a little to spare, joining a group is a
forward to keep its valued efforts going. great way to meet like-minded people
Whether you have lots of time, where you live, whilst staying active,
enjoying the great outdoors, and actively
or only a little to spare, joining a improving the environment.
group is a great way to meet like-
minded people where you live There’s a role for everyone, including
committee roles if you also like the
Launched in 2008, Manea Street Pride responsibility that comes with organising!
is one of 17 Street Pride groups across Fenland District Council supports and
the whole of Fenland, all supported by assists Street Pride groups by providing
Fenland District Council to make a real rubbish bags and litter collections, hi-
difference in their local communities. vis vests and litter picking equipment
plus support with event organising and
To find out more, please get in touch
with Fenland District Council’s Street
Pride Co-ordinator at streetpride@ or call 01354 654321
to have an informal chat.