Page 10 - Issue 79 Online
P. 10


     Hello Maneans
     Did you see Lando and me on the telly - Chan-
     nel 5’s Guide Dog Puppy School? It was more
     about Lando, to be honest, as I hadn’t arrived
     yet when they started filming, but you can see
     me in Mum’s arms on my first day in Manea.  I
     don’t think she could hold me in her arms now!
     It’s weird because people look and do a double
     take, “Weren’t you on the telly?” and “Oh, is that
     Frankie? Hasn’t he grown!” and so forth, but I
     don’t let it go to my paws!
                                               Did you see Lando and me on
                                             the telly - Channel 5’s Guide Dog
                                                       Puppy School?

                                            we did stop now and again to rest my paws –
                                            thank goodness.
                                            As you know, Bruce is now a working Guide Dog
                                            and  Mum received his  graduation  picture. It’s
                                            on the wall with the others pups Mum’s had.
                                            Hopefully, I will be up there too – soon – paws
     We gave a few talks in November at the Chat-  crossed.
     teris Beavers, Brownies, Rainbows and the
     Guides. It was nice to tell my story and have a   Frankie
     few hugs. Always a pleasure to let them know
     what I get up to - unfortunately Mum tends to
     say I’m not always a good boy as I like emptying
     the paper bin, getting a log for a chew etc. I am
                       only 9 months (23rd Jan-
                       uary) so I’m still allowed
                       to have a few mishaps!
                       Like you, I had a busy
                       December. We went into
                       London by train to see
                       the lights and do some
                       shopping. Wow, it’s a
                       busy place! I had to use
                       all my senses and con-                     Happy 2024
                       centrate so I could weave                    to you all x
                       through the people but

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