Page 13 - Issue 83 Online
P. 13

                                                              MANEA MATTERS
      can maintain supplies whilst the
      work is undertaken) were sent out
      to see the feasibility of installing
      bird flight diverters on a section of
      approximately 500m of overhead
      conductor where the incident took
      place. The installation of the bird
      diverters is booked for this Friday
      the15th of November.
      We will continue to monitor the
      situation in the area and will
      promptly act if further diverters
      are required in any other locations.”

      If you would like to read more
      about their bird deflector work,           Whoopers at Welney WWT
      check out the link below:

      https://www.ukpowernetworks.          in the same field, having flown into a       powerline and been electrocuted.
                                            Over the years, thanks to cooperation from
                                            UK Power Networks, lots of powerlines in
                                            the area have had reflectors fitted, so that
                                            swans - and other waterbirds - can see
                                            them in the grey conditions we have had
                                            so much of lately.
                                            The recent swan deaths just show that
      I also contacted Ajay Tegala, who is   we need to do more to safeguard these
      a Ranger at Wicken Fen and a regular   beautiful birds that have survived a
      contributor  to  Manea  Matters,  for   challenging  migration, only to die on
      his thoughts. Ajay also kindly replied   arrival, so near to the safety of the Ouse
      straight away:                        Washes where they roost overnight.”

      “One of my favourite things about living in   As you are probably aware, these
      Manea is hearing and seeing the whooper   majestic birds can vary their migration
      swans in the autumn and winter months.   routes each year, so it isn’t an easy
      We are lucky to have so many of these   task for those who work for the WWT
      wonderful birds coming all of the way   at Welney, the RSPB and UKPN to try
      from Iceland to our village. But it was   to keep track despite their best efforts.
      so  unlucky and  depressing  to  hear  that   Let’s hope there is no repeat of this
      my friend (Kane Brides, Senior Research   dreadful tragedy next winter.
      Officer  with  the  WWT)  found  18 dead

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