Page 24 - Issue 82 Online
P. 24

                 M MANEA PARISH
      I’d like to start by thanking everyone who
      stopped by to see us at our Gala stand, it
      was lovely to catch up with so many of you.
      As ever, the Parish Council has been busy.
      You may be aware that the Community
      Hub has been running every Wednesday
      in the Church Rooms. Earlier this year
      FACT bought their community fridge to
      Manea with the intention of saving food
      from landfill and reducing wastage by
      giving people access to food surplus.
      Since starting it has grown into Manea
      Community Hub and with grant funding             Allotment Container
      from Cambridge ACRE it is now also a social
      meeting  space  which  offers  free  tea  and   their hard work in making the Community
      coffee. There is a school uniform exchange,   Hub such a success.
      a clothes stall and a seed table. They have
      had visits from PCSOs, Tesco, Age UK, St.   At our June meeting the Parish Council
      John’s Ambulance with more to come from   approved a grant for the allotments to allow
      P3 Charity, Healthy You, Volunteer Cambs   a container to be purchased to provide them
      and the  Community Fire Officer. Special   with secure storage for some of their larger
      mention should go to Manea residents,   items of equipment. In July we approved a
      Brenda and Alan Mead-Blandford who are   grant for Manea Baby and Toddler Group to
      the  volunteers  running  the  Community   purchase new play equipment.
      Fridge along with Cllr Janet Coupland and
      Alan Melton from the Parish Council for all   In July the Orchard group began meeting
                                            again, organised by Cllr Janet O’Keefe.
                                            They have been busy snipping the grass
                                            and nettles away from around the base of
                                            fruit trees,  collecting  the windfall  apples
                                            and setting up a composting area. I’m also
                                            pleased to say that the village Street Pride
                                            group has restarted. If you would like to be
                                            involved with either of these groups, please

                                            Another  group which  we hope  will
                                            make a long-awaited comeback soon is
                                            Speedwatch. Cambs police have recently
                                            appointed a new Speedwatch coordinator
             Community Hub Volunteers       who will be able to arrange the training
                                            we need for new volunteers to be able to

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