Page 3 - Issue 76 Online
P. 3

                                                              MANEA MATTERS

         Dear Readers
          The new year hasn’t really seen        Contents
         an improvement in the cost-of-living
         situation, so we have provided some   Useful Contact Details ...............................................2
         Handy Hints - extracted from the
         Government’s advice to help reduce   Message from Chair & Contents ...........................3
         electricity costs (P12). There could be
         one  or  two,  which  you  aren’t  already   Manea Community Groups ..............................4 – 7
         doing! It might be Spring but the old   Falls Prevention ............................................................8
         adage ‘Ne'er cast a clout 'til May be out’ is
         worth bearing in mind, as the weather   Quest the Guide Dog Puppy – Part 1 ...................9
         is seemingly more unpredictable than
         ever!                            Handy Hints – Preventing Burglaries
          Further Handy Hints to prevent   with WIDEN ........................................................10 - 11
         opportunist  burglars  gaining  entry  to   Handy Hints – To Reduce Electricity Costs .....12
         your property are also worth looking at
         – provided by eCops (P10&11).    Ecstatic Dance ............................................................13
          After four  pages of information in
         MM75 regarding the proposed Fens   Girl Guides – Volunteers Needed .......................14
         Reservoir, they have provided an update   Mason’s Garage .........................................................15
         (P22).  There are no further  public
         consultations planned for 2023 but we   Manea Yard Sales .....................................................16
         will keep you informed if this changes.
          There is a new Falls Prevention   Church Services  ........................................................17
         Service  based  at   Doddington  Manea Archive ...........................................................18
         Community  Hospital  (P8)  –  hopefully,
         you won’t need to use it, but it’s good to   Manea Educational Foundation ..........................19
         know there is help close by in the event
         of a fall.                       Let’s Get Fit! .......................................................20 - 21
          By the time MM77 is printed, a   Fens Reservoir Update ...........................................22
         new Parish Council will be serving the
         village after their election in May. We   Getting About and DEADLINES ...........................23
         look forward to hearing from them,
         with their plans, so we can publish   Parish Council Update ...................................24 – 25
         them. Meanwhile, turn to P24&25 for
         a summary, of what they have achieved   Noticeboard .......................................................26 – 27
         during the past four years, from the
         outgoing Council – bearing in mind all   DEADLINE for the Summer issue is
         Parish Councillors are volunteers and
         give up their spare time to work for    Friday 19  May 2023
          Finally, Mason’s Garage has been a   The views and beliefs expressed by contributors are not
                                              necessarily those of Manea Matters Committee and the
         Manea business from 1955 until this   Committee reserves the right to amend submitted items at
         year. The Family wants to thank the   its discretion. The Committee does not represent or endorse
         people of Manea for their support over   the accuracy or reliability of any of the advertisements
         the years – see P15.               published within Manea Matters.
          Here’s to some Spring-like weather –   This magazine is published by the Manea Matters Committee
                                           and is delivered free to the vast majority of households within
         before the end of May!            the Parish of Manea. An online version is also available at:
         Dianne                          Manea Matters Committee is a group of Manea residents who
         Dianne Rowe, Manea Matters Chair  work with the community to produce this quarterly magazine
                                         because Manea really does Matter.
                         DEADLINE for Issue 77 Summer – Friday 19  May   PAGE  3    3
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