Page 3 - Issue 82 Online
P. 3

                                                              MANEA MATTERS

      Dear Readers                            Contents

     With this issue, 2024 comes to a close, so
     please check out the Gala Christmas Fayre   Useful Contact Details .............................................2
     poster on P22 and the Church Services   Message from Chair & Contents .........................3
     on the Noticeboard as we approach the
     Christmas festivities.               Manea Community Groups .............................4 - 7
     As this season is also a popular one for
     bonfires and fireworks, please consider the   Have Fun and Run! .............................................8 - 9
     – very sadly not a common sight anymore –
     hedgehogs, and all other animals (domestic   Manea Gala 2024 Report  .........................10 - 11
     as well as wild) who are repeatedly harmed   Births, Marriages & Deaths ................................12
     and terrified by such events. (See the
     Noticeboard to read more.) THANK YOU.  Manea’s Sweet History at
     Please don’t forget, if you would like to   Chatteris Museum ..................................................13
     promote your club or organisation, just
     submit your article following the guidelines,   An IDB Summer .............................................14 - 15
     which can be found on our website at, as Roger Tolfree   In Celebration of Squeak ............................ 16 -17
     did for this issue – see P8-9.
     Manea’s Sweet History on P13 is an   Hazel the Guide Dog Puppy – Part 2 ..............18
     interesting account of, Manea born and bred,     Hassle-free Journeys and
     William Thompson’s sweet making business.   Extended Free Parking..........................................19
     William died in 1908 but some readers may
     be able to recall Freda, his granddaughter,   Can Recycling Project ............................................20
     and her van which travelled the area selling
     their very popular homemade sweets.  Manea Social Group ...............................................21
     I mentioned last time that it had been
     the wettest 18 months since 1836. Not    Gala Christmas Fayre ............................................22
     surprisingly, it’s been a busy year for the
     Internal Drainage Boards in the Manea and   Getting About and DEADLINES .........................23
     Welney District – you can read more on P14-
     15 about what goes on ‘behind the scenes’.  Parish Council Update .................................24 - 25
     A regular reader of Manea Matters has   Noticeboard .....................................................26 - 27
     suggested it might be a good idea to have
     the opportunity to announce Manea Births,
     Marriages and Deaths. Please take a look at
     P12 if you would like to do so.      DEADLINE FOR THE WINTER ISSUE IS
     Finally, a BIG THANK YOU to Louise Taylor,         TH
     who has been coordinating the distribution   FRIDAY 15  NOVEMBER 2024
     of Manea Matters to all of our volunteer
     deliverers for the past couple of years. Louise
     has now moved from the village and Trevor   The views and beliefs expressed by contributors are not necessarily
     Eves has taken over – please see his contact   those of Manea Matters Committee and the Committee reserves
                                         the right to amend submitted items at its discretion. The Committee
     details on the Noticeboard, if you have any   does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the
     queries about deliveries or would like to   advertisements published within Manea Matters.
     volunteer your time to help.        This magazine is published by the Manea Matters Committee and is
     With best wishes for what’s left of this   delivered free to the vast majority of households within the Parish of
     somewhat eventful year.             Manea. An online version is also available at:
     Dianne                              Manea Matters Committee is a group of Manea residents who work
     Dianne Rowe, Manea Matters Chair    with  the  community  to  produce  this  quarterly  magazine  because
                                         Manea really does Matter.
           DEADLINE FOR ISSUE 83 (WINTER) – FRIDAY 15  NOVEMBER 2024     PAGE   3
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