Page 3 - Issue 80 Online
P. 3

                                                              MANEA MATTERS

     Dear Readers                             Contents

     It has certainly been a very wet winter, with   Useful Contact Details .............................................2
     many repeated road closures in the area and   Message from Chair & Contents .........................3
     devastating  damage  to  farmland,  property
     and wildlife. Officially, one of the wettest   Manea Community Groups ............................4 – 7
     winters on record, we can but hope there
     won’t be a repeat next winter. Please refer   Wild Waters of Wicken Fen ............................8 – 9
     back to  Issue 79  (P16) for  Anglian  Water’s
     guidance and support if you have been af-  Manea Mobile Community Fridge ....................10
     fected.                              Manea Matters – 20 years .................................11
     In this issue you can read about the water
     management in Wicken Fen, as it celebrates   Manea Allotments .......................................12 – 13
     its 125th anniversary (P8 and 9) and the 20th   eCops – Domestic Abuse ....................................14
     anniversary of Manea Matters itself on P11.
     As things continue to get more difficult for   Volunteer Cambs ....................................................15
     people to manage in the current economic   Time Capsule Burial  ..............................................16
     climate, there is help and support out there,
     for example the Community Fridge (which   Time Capsule – List of Contents ...................... 17
     visits Manea every Wednesday) and, if you
     are experiencing any form of domestic   Frankie the Guide Dog Puppy – Part 2 ...........18
     abuse, don’t suffer in silence – the National
     Centre for Domestic Violence (see P14) is   Fenland Writers  ......................................................19
     there to offer help and advice.      Can Recycling Project / History Group ............20
     On a much lighter note, if you are still living   Manea Social Group ...............................................21
     in Manea fifty years from now, you will be
     able to witness the digging up of a very ‘local’   Church Services .......................................................22
     time capsule, which you can read all about on
     P16 and 17.                          Getting About and DEADLINES .........................23
     Volunteers are always needed in a caring   Parish Council Update ................................24 – 25
     community, so please check out the article
     on P15 to see how you can help, if you have   Noticeboard ....................................................26 – 27
     any time to spare. Many organisations sim-
     ply wouldn’t be able to exist if it wasn’t for
     their volunteer workforce.           DEADLINE FOR THE SUMMER ISSUE IS
     Finally, if you run a community group in the   FRIDAY 17  MAY 2024
     area and would like to increase your mem-
     bership, or simply promote what you do,
     please don’t hesitate to contact me (see my   The views and beliefs expressed by contributors are not necessarily
     email on the Noticeboard P26-27) to submit   those of Manea Matters Committee and the Committee reserves
     an article. More detail about what actually   the right to amend submitted items at its discretion. The Committee
                                         does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the
     takes place is often very useful in encourag-  advertisements published within Manea Matters.
     ing people to try a session and maybe join   This magazine is published by the Manea Matters Committee and is
     the group as a result.              delivered free to the vast majority of households within the Parish of
                                         Manea. An online version is also available at:
                                         Manea Matters Committee is a group of Manea residents who work
     Dianne Rowe, Manea Matters Chair    with  the  community  to  produce  this  quarterly  magazine  because
                                         Manea really does Matter.
             DEADLINE FOR ISSUE 81 (SUMMER) – FRIDAY 17  MAY 2024        PAGE   3
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