Page 10 - Issue 80 Online
P. 10
FACT Mobile Community
Hub will be in Manea every
Wednesday from 10:00am
– 12:00pm supporting the
newly established Manea
Mobile Community Fridge.
We are located on the High
Will be in: Street and will be parked
near the Rose and Crown
MANEA public house or in the Rose
Every Wednesday and Crown car park. Fridge
10:00AM to 12:00PM
provides surplus food that
Rose & Crown, would otherwise have gone
to landfill due to it not been
High Street, Manea fit for purpose or close to
sell by date in supermarkets,
local shops, etc. This service
is not means tested and
is available for everyone
Tel. 01354 661234 Email. to use. If the food is not
collected it would have to
be disposed of anyway so
this service is purely to stop food going to landfill. Any households that can
make use of the food are welcome to come and collect. Anyone can donate
to the Manea Community Fridge too – just pop along on a Wednesday and
see the volunteers.
Don’t forget to bring a bag with you and we hope to see you soon.
Zoe Phillips, Mobile Hub Co-ordinator for FACT